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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Informative Essay

Alan Franklin

Mrs. Boresen

Per. 07 / Expository Writing

Informative Essay

21 April 2010

Water ice can display emotions. Well when its water is exposed to outer forces before it is frozen that is. Masaru Emoto once did an experiment where he took several measured amounts of water and exposed them to different stimuli; music, vocal expressions, thought, light, and other variations. He then froze each measure of water, just to see what happened. The ice changed its forms to adopt characteristics of the stimuli (anger=cracking, happy=symmetrical, etc.). This is important because these experiments may help to explain more of our universe and possibly more about us, humans. I’ve developed a theory to explain these phenomena, and based my assumptions on the work of other well known scientists, such as Albert Einstein and commentators on the production The Secret. Energy and mass are one thing, thought has an impact on our world, ice changes shape when exposed to emotions before becoming ice, all matter vibrates and resonates, and atoms form the building blocks and “glue” of the universe.

A famous physicist, Albert Einstein, once theorized that energy and matter are one and the same (stated in his theory of relativity). Einstein also stated in his theory that energy and mass are conserved separately because mass is not lost due to a change in atomic state (Albert Einstein 1). This also applies to vaporized material and nuclear power plants. Energy from the reactions is merely scattered from the point of origin and radiate out wards in all directions, just as thought does. Thought is transmitted through the mind and water in the body in the form of energy, then is transferred to the elemental particles outside of the body in the form of energy but the thought carries its own frequency. These transmissions then go on to affect and change the rest of the immediate, surrounding world. In effect, we shape our world simply by thinking about it.

Masaru Emoto’s theories are based upon the principles of Vibration and Resonance. This basically means that though energy does make up all things, it must be released and transformed by atomic vibration, and then it must resonate, be attuned with, with other matter and elements in order to affect them (Masaru Emoto 29). Later in his published work Emoto theorizes that both Life and water resonate with the rest of the world (Masaru Emoto 31). Also he talks about how water must be present in most situations involving energy because it transfers energy very well in most directions (Masaru Emoto 52). So in essence, we would not be able to affect our world as well as we do if we did not have water and/or were not made primarily, 70% or more, of water.

The ice that Emoto was dealing with was able to change its atomic structure, thus its physical/visual form, because it resonated with the stimuli that Masaru Emoto exposed it to. When he exposed it to music, its appearance in ice form was aesthetically identical to the images a human imagines when listening to the same music (Emoto OFFICE 1). He additionally simply spoke words, with feeling, at the beakers of water before freezing them and found that, again aesthetically, the ice’s form represented the meaning of the feeling behind the word. As he continued his experiments, he photographed his findings in the most aesthetic ways (Masaru Emoto 35-50).

The Secret, a movie, identified the possibility that thought shapes the universe. I, like many other physicists, know that energy shapes and controls the universe as a whole. Thus, it is not a giant leap to think that the energy created by thought may be strong enough to shape the very fabric of the universe. “Thoughts become things,” was a remark by Mike Dooley (The Secret 1).

Thought is the product of atoms reacting to each other, and their effects are the products of atomic interaction as well. A thought is a magnetic presence created when the mind activates its neurons and transmits its signal out into the body and out into the world. These neurons are made of atoms, and are transferring excess energy of a certain frequency, in the form of thought. These thoughts continue on to become manifested inside and outside of the body that created them; on to alter the world. This is all due to the fact that atoms interact.

Atoms are amazing things made of energy that also make up all matter. They are infinitesimally small, spherical particles that spin and turn, and affect the entire universe. Each of their properties add to one another to make the structure of our plane of existence.

Atoms are spaced widely apart, but we do not pass though “solid” objects because that solidity is created by an electromagnetic barrier that prevents us. Electromagnetism is just a manifestation of how an atom’s energy “shapes” the matter in the ‘verse. This “barrier” is not perfect, for if you add energy to the atoms, they will move apart and changes state. Thus, eliminating the close electromagnetic field, but it is not destroyed. It is merely shifted into a looser state and still holds the atoms in a relatively small area, instead of just blowing apart in all directions and continuing on into infinity.

Another aspect of the atom is its ability to split and/or merge and release excess energy. This energy is also released when chemicals react with one another, like in the brain. The brain then sends out pulses of energy, in the form of thought. Like energy going in the same direction “enforces” the first energy and creates an inescapable tug on reality. And this is how thought “begins” to shape the environment. Atoms have the ability to affect change on all scales of matter. It affects things larger, smaller, and equal to in size of the atoms in question. They affect change simply by spinning and moving. They release energy in the forms of heat, light, sound, etc. These forces of the atom are how we shape our universe.

“You create the universe as you go along,” is a quote by Winston Churchill (The Secret 2). We, in effect, are the center of the universe because we can only see as far as light can travel in all directions, a sphere of sight if you will, and the same goes for thought. In having us, and the Earth, as the center of our universe means that we have the power to shape it. Though the universe is technically infinite, we can only see so far and thus, for now, we only have a finite space for our thoughts to act upon.

Atoms affect all change, and thoughts (being the product of atomic interaction) are energy. Energy affects all matter, which is energy, so thought does in fact alter reality physically, not just mentally. I think that if we, as humans, all thought the same thought at the same time, or very close to, which we do every day, then we could impact the world more dramatically. Masaru Emoto released his research in the hopes of uniting the world’s thoughts in a single force for peace (Emoto About 1). We only think Anti-, so we need to not think anti- but must promote (meaning the only thing we talk about) peace, just as Emoto wanted.


Emoto, Masaru. OFFICE MASARU EMOTO. OFFICE MASARU EMOTO, GK, 29 Jan. 2008. Web. 19 Apr. 2010. .

Emoto, Masaru. The Miracle of Water. New York: Atria, 2007. Print.

The Secret :: Official Web Site of The Secret Movie :: Law of Attraction. TS Production LLC, 2007. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. .

The Secret. Dir. Drew Heriot. Perf. Rhonda Byrne. TS Productions, 2006. DVD.

Vujovic, Dr. Ljubo. "Albert Einstein." Tesla Memorial Society of New York. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. .

1 comment:

Mrs. Boresen said...

Bibliography 30/30
You really made me think. I enjoyed this paper and how it corresponded to your theory. I know you have your own theories on life, homeopathic, and the world so it was interesting seeing which research you have to back it up. I hope that writing this paper gave you a foot to stand on related to your arguments. Pictures can really change a person’s perspective, so you may be able to persuade people in your life to believe the way you do after writing this paper. I think that you did a good job overall and there were only a few parts that I thought might be a little too wordy or were missing a transition. Your expository writing has improved by leaps and bounds!
Grade overall: 280/300